Some books in my social justice library
There is an extraordinary amount of material available to learn about systems of oppression, privilege, and what we can do to be better humans in a complex world. Here is a compilation of resources that I have found to be useful in my own education and activism for social justice.
Important concepts and definitions
What is privilege? Here’s a 101-level resource containing multiple exercises and checklists in understanding privilege, and an excerpt from “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”, which discusses white privilege and privilege as a whole.
Here is an article explaining privilege and its intersections.
Here is a brief overview of problematic language, including how problematic language perpetuates violence, calling out problematic language, and word reclamation.
Understanding colonialism, colonization, and decolonization in the context of social justice.
Here is a list of important terminology related to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Gender equality
Here is a comprehensive overview of rape culture – what it is, how it manifests itself in our culture, and lots and lots of examples.
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about consent. A great post about enthusiastic consent, getting a clear “yes” as opposed to avoiding a no, and general communication in all types of relationships.
A great essay examining societal views towards femininity, feminine vs. masculine double standards, and the need to view femininity as empowering.
What is male entitlement? Here is an article that explains male entitlement and how this entitlement results in gendered violence.
Rape is not an anomaly, but a byproduct of a culture that normalizes violence against women. This article discusses rape culture and the normalization of violence in the United States and beyond.
Ever wondered what male privilege looks like? Well, here is a list with over 75 extensive examples.
In honor of my blog name, here is a great post about the word crazy and other detrimental language, and how this word contributes to the oppression of women.
Another great post about how language is used to oppress women through a discussion of the word cunt, the implications and power dynamics surrounding this word, and a general discussion of misogynistic language.
Here is a very comprehensive post about what it means to be trans.
Racial justice
A breakdown of why “reverse racism” does not exist.
Crucial text written by Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, featuring an excerpt from her book. Read the excerpt (which discusses the background of how the War on Drugs has lead to the disproportionate incarceration of Black and Brown men), and then buy her book and read that too.
Here is an overview of the Prison Industrial Complex, including a discussion of the privatization of U.S. prisons, prison labor, and how the prison system in the United States is a racial issue.
Disability Activism
Here’s a list of important terms and definitions used within disability activism. Also, here is an extensive glossary of ableist terms (and non-ableist terms that folks can use instead!).
A great article in which different disabled activists discuss disability and inclusion within social justice spaces.
A discussion of violence against QTPoC (queer trans people of color).
Here is an article discussing Pride, and the intersections of race, class, and being LGBTQIA+.
An article discussing the intersection of being Latinx and LGBTQIA+ in response to the tragedy in Orlando.
Resources for allies
Do you call yourself an ally? If so, read this discussion about the role of an ally in social justice movements and this post about how to be an effective ally who isn’t causing more damage than good.
A great post about “white fragility” in conversations about race, and why as white people we need to stop putting our feelings first.
For those of us who want to be better white allies, here is a list of ways that white people can fight racism.
Fighting toxic masculinity is an important way that men can fight for gender equality. See also this article.
Here’s a resource on how cisgender folks can work on being effective allies to trans and non-binary folks. Also, a resource for folks confused about the singular “they” pronoun.
Here’s a resource for able-bodied folks looking to combat their ableism.
Looking to combat classism? Here is a list of things folks can do to check their class privilege.
Social justice and travel
Here is a great article about decolonizing travel, including tips for travelers who are going to other countries.
Ever considered working or volunteering abroad? Here is a comprehensive article discussing issues of oppression within humanitarian work itself – a must-read for anyone considering humanitarian work abroad.
Another great article about humanitarian work abroad and the dangerous tendency to reduce and romanticize the complex problems facing other nations.
Privilege, exploitation, and the commodification of the Third World as consumed by white tourists. Read this article discussing these issues, and check out the awesome tumblr feed that works to decolonize travel.
Analysis of the negative impacts of all-inclusive resorts on local communities in the Dominican Republic and beyond – an important read for anyone considering staying in an all-inclusive.
I will add to this page as I come across useful and insightful resources. If you have any recommendations for content, email me. Happy learning!